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Rathauskeller Vienna A Voyage to Pagany depicted in 1924
American Medical Association (AMA) of Vienna A Voyage to Pagany depicted in
Pediatric Clinic of Vienna's General Hospital A Voyage to Pagany depicted in
Salzburg Festival Between the Thunder and the Sun depicted in
Auslandsvertretung der österreichischen Sozialisten (AVOES) Brüsseler Deklaration (Declaration of Brussels) published
Rockefeller Foundation Theory of Games and Economic Behavior financially supported
Kurt Wolff Verlag Die Spur published
Broadway Hello, Dolly! was place of premiere 1964-01-16
The Atlantic Reaching for the Stars published 1939-01
Theater in der Josefstadt The Third Man (film) depicted in
Hotel Sacher The Third Man (film) depicted in
Hotel Sacher Vespers in Vienna depicted in
Café Edison A Voyage to Pagany depicted in
New Harper's Monthly Vienna published
Der Fremdenverkehr Das internationale Reisepublikum published
Österreichische Verkehrswerbung Summer in Austria published 1929
Rockefeller Foundation Educational Conditions in Postwar Germany related
Rockefeller Foundation Educational Program for Germany, September 1, 1946 related
Rockefeller Foundation Report on Germany related
Städtische Theater Leipzig Jonny spielt auf (opera) was place of premiere 1927-02-10
Wiener Staatsoper Jonny spielt auf (opera) performance venue for 1928
Metropolitan Opera Jonny spielt auf (opera) performance venue for 1929
Staatstheater am Gärtnerplatz Jonny spielt auf (opera) performance venue for 1928
Leseverein der Deutschen Studenten (Reading Association of German Students) Collective birthday letter to Nietzsche related
Česka křestanská akademie History of ethical growth place of presentation of 2021-10

Page total: 25