works A Voyage to Pagany

General Info | TEI

Titel A Voyage to Pagany
ID 2126
Type publication >> novel
Date 1928
  • Transatlantic Networks
  • Narratives of Encounters in the North Atlantic Triangle
  • Uri(s)
    Notes William devotes almost a third of the book to the presentation of the month-long stay in Vienna. He renders through figural narration many details of Dev Evans’ medical training, his observations of and interactions with the medical instructors, and the bachelor’s involvement with the mysterious young American woman in black whom he first met on the train from Venice. His daily attendance of lectures and demonstrations at the various clinics, is initially described in several chapters recounting Dev’s first days in the city, including a first round of the wards of the “Kinderclinic” directed by the famous Dr. Knobloch, a portrait of the internationally prominent professor of pediatrics Clemens von Pirquet, whose introduction of the skin-test for tuberculosis had gained him general acclaim.16 Williams, no doubt, also uses several aliases for the other medical authorities whose demonstrations with patients suffering from diseases of the ear, or nervous and mental conditions are similarly watched (Dr. Auchmuller, Dr. Wagner, Dr. Gross, Dr. Waldheim) or whose autopsies of corpses (by the last mentioned) are observed by Dev. Williams apparently equally transferred his impressions of the office of and the services provided by the American Medical Association of Vienna in Alserstrasse to his fiction and probably also drew on the impressions left by fellow Americans attending these special courses in his sketches of his seven colleagues (Zacharasiewicz, Transatlantic Networks 92).
    References Lackner, Franz X. „Exploring Vienna between the two World Wards – Doctors of the American Medical Association and their families.“ Narratives of Encounter. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2015, 107-125. Zacharasiewicz, Transatlantic Networks.



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1924 related >> depicts Rathauskeller Vienna
    related >> depicts American Medical Association (AMA) of Vienna
    related >> depicts Pediatric Clinic of Vienna's General Hospital
    related >> depicts Café Edison


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1928 related >> was/were written by >> written by Williams, William Carlos
    related >> features/featured >> features as fictionalized character Williams, William Carlos
    related >> features/featured >> as main character Evans, Dev


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