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Viertel, Berthold Altenberg, Peter acquainted with
Viertel, Berthold Kraus, Karl close friendship with
Kraus, Karl Werfel, Franz friendship with
Ganz, Anne Marie Clara Zuckmayer, Carl married to 1920 1921
Zuckmayer, Carl Frank, Alice married to 1925
Thompson, Dorothy Zuckmayer, Carl friendship with 1925
Krenek, Ernst Mahler, Anna married to 1924 1924
Krenek, Ernst Hermann, Berta married to 1928
Krenek, Ernst Nordenstrom, Gladys married to 1950
Cavell, Stanley Fischer, Kurt Rudolf close friendship with
Krenek, Ernst Schreker, Franz student of 1916
Abish, Walter Abish, Cecile married to 1953
Cavell, Stanley Williams, Bernard friendship with
Farkas, Karl Grünbaum, Fritz collaborated with
Farkas, Karl Farkas, Anna married to 1924
Freier, Recha Haubenstock-Ramati, Roman collaborated with
Freier, Recha Freier, Moritz married to 1919
Kellner, Dora Sophie Benjamin, Walter married to 1917 1930
Kellner, Leon Kellner, Dora Sophie parent of
Huebsch, Benjamin W. Thompson, Dorothy acquainted with
Huebsch, Benjamin W. Lewis, Sinclair acquainted with
Fodor, Marcel Thompson, Dorothy mentor of
Fodor, Marcel Gunther, John mentor of
Fodor, Marcel Thompson, Dorothy close friendship with
Huebsch, Benjamin W. Mahler-Werfel, Alma Maria close friendship with

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