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Huebsch, Benjamin W. Werfel, Franz close friendship with
Huebsch, Benjamin W. Mahler-Werfel, Alma Maria correspondence with
Huebsch, Benjamin W. Werfel, Franz correspondence with
Lewis, Sinclair Mahler-Werfel, Alma Maria friendship with
Lewis, Sinclair Werfel, Franz friendship with
Finfrock, Marry Ellen Morris, Wright married to 1934 1961
Morris, Wright Szápáry, Maria(nne) had intensive personal correspondence with 1935 1938
Morris, Wright Szápáry, Maria(nne) close friendship with 1933
Huebsch, Benjamin W. Werfel, Franz publisher of
Huebsch, Benjamin W. Joyce, James close friendship with
Morris, Wright Hunger, Käthe landlady/landlord of 1933 1934
Koczorowski, Tadeusz Jan Szápáry, Maria(nne) married to 1952
Morris, Wright Lindheim, Bogislav friendship with 1933
Lindheim, Bogislav Luick, Karl student of
Kantor, Josephine Morris, Wright married to 1960
Finfrock, Marry Ellen Szápáry, Maria(nne) correspondence with
Untermeyer, Louis Fletcher, John Gould correspondence with
Untermeyer, Louis Doolittle, Hilda correspondence with
Williams, William Carlos Untermeyer, Louis correspondence with
Untermeyer, Louis Mencken, Henry L. close friendship with
Untermeyer, Louis Reinhardt, Max attempt to collaborate with
Untermeyer, Louis Werfel, Franz acquainted with
Untermeyer, Louis Eliot, T.S. correspondence with
Kreymborg, Alfred Untermeyer, Louis friendship with
Lewis, Sinclair Shirer, William Lawrence close friendship with

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