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Werfel, Franz Thompson, Dorothy acquainted with 1932
Torberg, Friedrich Kisch, Egon Erwin friendship with
Torberg, Friedrich Polgar, Alfred friendship with
Torberg, Friedrich Roth, Joseph friendship with
Torberg, Friedrich Mahler-Werfel, Alma Maria friendship with
Torberg, Friedrich Werfel, Franz friendship with
Torberg, Friedrich Torberg, Marietta married to 1945 1962
Torberg, Friedrich Feuchtwanger, Lion acquainted with
Torberg, Friedrich Mann, Thomas acquainted with
Torberg, Friedrich Mann, Heinrich acquainted with
Torberg, Friedrich Brecht, Bertolt acquainted with
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von Beer-Hofmann, Richard friendship with
Beer-Hofmann, Richard Bahr, Hermann friendship with
Beer-Hofmann, Richard Schnitzler, Arthur friendship with
Beer-Hofmann, Paula Beer-Hofmann, Richard married to 1898-05-14
Grossberg, Mimi Grossberg, Norbert married to 1930
Werfel, Franz Polak, Ernst friendship with
Mahler-Werfel, Alma Maria Gropius, Walter married to 1915 1920
Werfel, Franz Brod, Max acquainted with
Werfel, Franz Kafka, Franz acquainted with
Werfel, Franz Haas, Willy friendship with
Rothermann, Franziska von Broch, Hermann married to 1909 1923
Broch, Hermann Meier-Graefe, Annemarie married to 1949
Broch, Hermann Einstein, Albert friendship with
Werfel, Franz Rilke, Rainer Maria acquainted with

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