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Viking Press The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography published
Pulitzer Prize The Skin of Our Teeth was won by 1943
Pulitzer Prize Our Town was won by 1938
Pulitzer Prize The Bridge of San Louis Rey was won by 1928
Theater in der Josefstadt Die Braut von Torozko was place of premiere 1932-01-13
Theater in der Josefstadt Der König mit dem Regenschirm was place of premiere 1935-04-18
Harper's Magazine The White Horses of Vienna published 1935-04
The New Yorker Here is Einbaum published
Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Libraries Kay Boyle papers holds
Morris Library, Carbondale Kay Boyle papers holds
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Kay Boyle papers holds
University of Delaware Kay Boyle papers holds
University of Chicago John Gunther’s papers 1935-1967 holds
Syracuse University, New York Dorothy Thompson’s papers 1914-1961 holds
Coe College William Shirer’s papers 1919-1993 holds
Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Thornton Wilder’s papers 1935-1975 holds
Neue Freie Presse, Redaktion Brief einer Unbekannten published
Medical University of Vienna Austria: Its Literary, Scientific, and Medical Institutions. With Notes upon the Present State of Science, and a Guide to the Hospitals and Sanatory Establishments of Vienna depicted in
Vienna General Hospital Austria: Its Literary, Scientific, and Medical Institutions. With Notes upon the Present State of Science, and a Guide to the Hospitals and Sanatory Establishments of Vienna depicted in
European Nuclear Disarmament (END) Protest and Survive related
American Association of University Professors Report on Academic Freedom and Academic Tenure published
Wiener Mittag Der Mörder trinkt keine Milch depicted in
American military police Der Mörder trinkt keine Milch depicted in
Buchverlag Demokratische Druck- und Verlags- Gesellschaft Linz Man lebt nur zweimal published 1950
Buchverlag Demokratische Druck- und Verlags- Gesellschaft Linz Der Mörder trinkt keine Milch published

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