works Der Mörder trinkt keine Milch

General Info | TEI

Titel Der Mörder trinkt keine Milch
ID 4328
Type publication >> novel >> crime novel
Date 1950
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes The novel, which is set in a realistic post-war Viennese setting, may arguably have been inspired by the hard-boiled detective novels of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett. There are hardly any references to the presence of the Allied Occupation Forces in the city (see Kriegleder in "Ideas Crossing the Atlantic", p.313).



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> depicts Wiener Mittag
    related >> depicts American military police
    related >> was published by Buchverlag Demokratische Druck- und Verlags- Gesellschaft Linz


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1950 related >> was/were written by >> written by Simmel, Johannes Mario
    related >> features/featured >> features (fictional character) Lang, Walter
    related >> features/featured >> features (fictional character) Walden, Maria
    related >> features/featured >> features (fictional character) Weber, Heinrich
    related >> features/featured >> features (fictional character) Dr. Czerny


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> set in Vienna


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