General Info | TEI

Titel Vienna
  • alternative name: Vienna
  • ID 177
    Lat/Lng 48,2066 / 16,37341
  • Default import collection
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> location >> location of Kontinente
    related >> location >> location of Café Herrenhof
    related >> location >> location of Café de l'Europe
    related >> location >> location of Café Rebhuhn
    related >> location >> location of Hotel Sacher
    related >> location >> location of Hotel Imperial
    related >> location >> location of Hotel Regina
    related >> location >> location of Schloss Belvedere
    related >> location >> location of Hotel Bristol, Vienna
    related >> location >> location of Schloss Cobenzl


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> was home for Gordon, Peter
    1942 related >> was home for Dor, Milo
    1923 related >> place of birth Federmann, Reinhard
    1945 related >> was home for Federmann, Reinhard
    related >> residence for Celan, Paul
    related >> residence for >> place of study of Schenker, Heinrich
    1884 related >> was home for Schenker, Heinrich
    related >> was home for Weisse, Adolf
    1930 related >> residence for >> was workplace for Weisse, Hans
    1891-03-28 (Place of Birth) Kaufmann, Emil


    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1924 related >> was location for The International Exhibition of New Theatre Techniques
    1928-11 related >> was location for Early reading from working draft of "The Woman of Andros"
    1930-02-14 related >> was location for Lecture on Thornton Wilder at the Volkshochschule Ottakring
    related >> is location for New Year's Concert
    related >> is location for The Third Man Guided Tours
    2000 related >> was location for Die Formen des Religiösen in der Gegenwart (lecture)


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> has parts Vienna
    related >> has parts Dollinergasse 5, 1190 Vienna
    related >> has parts 19th district, Vienna
    related >> has parts 1st district, Vienna
    related >> has parts Trattnerhof 2, 1010 Vienna
    related >> has parts 3rd district, Vienna
    related >> has parts Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Vienna
    related >> has parts 9th district, Vienna
    related >> has parts Hotel de France
    related >> has parts Wohllebengasse 9, 1040 Vienna


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    related >> provided the setting of Another Year
    related >> provided the setting of The Third Man (film)


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Vienna alternative name en


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