persons Lothar, Ernst

General Info | TEI

Name Lothar, Ernst
Alternative Names
  • alternative name >> given name: Müller, Ernst Lothar
  • ID 616
    Gender male
    Lifespan 1890-10-25 - 1974-10-30
    Professions writer (Q36180), civil servant (Q212238), theater director (Q3387717), novelist (Q6625963), director, theater critic, theater manager, jurist, dramatist
  • Return From Exile
  • Österreicher in Hollywood
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • webclient
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Lothar, having been in exile in the U.S. since 1939, came back to Vienna as a cultural officer in 1946. He worked for the Information Service Branch and was responsible for the denazification of artists and the dissemination of American plays. The Austro-Fascist sentiments expressed in his novels have been criticised by fellow exile Berthold Viertel. In his novels he gives a very positive image of Austrian patriots in opposition to the Nazis. The fact that he did not participate in the Brecht-boycott illustrates that Lothar's anti-communism was more nuanced than Weigel's, Haeusserman's and Torberg's.
    References Straub, Importierte Ideologie? in Return from Exile, esp. 138-141. Kriegleder, Wynfrid. "The Case for Austrian Independence. Ernst Lothar’s Exile Novels." in Cultural Politics, Transfer, and Propaganda. Eds. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Siegfried Beer. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2021, 203-19. Heißler, Dagmar. Ernst Lothar. Sein Leben, sein Werk und dessen Rezeption anhand von veröffentlichten und unveröffentlichten Texten. Wien: Univ. Diss., 2013. Lackner, Herbert. Rückkehr in die fremde Heimat Die vertriebenen Dichter und Denker und die ernüchternde Nachkriegs-Wirklichkeit. Berlin: Ueberreuter Verlag, 2021.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1952 1959 related >> contributed artistically to >> directed Jedermann at the Salzburg Festival


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1935 1938 was director of Theater in der Josefstadt
    1925 1933 worked for/at Neue Freie Presse, Redaktion
    1941 1945 taught at Colorado College, Colorado Springs
    1948 1962 directed plays at Burgtheater Wien
    1933 1935 directed plays at Burgtheater Wien
    1952 1959 directed plays at Salzburg Festival
    1919 received a doctorate in law from University of Vienna
    1914-03-23 received a doctorate in law from University of Vienna
    1908 1914 studied at University of Vienna
    1944 related American citizenship


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1933-05-22 1974 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Gessner, Adrienne
    related >> parent-in-law of Haeusserman, Ernst
    related >> friendship with Schuschnigg, Kurt von
    related >> acquainted with >> had a tense relationship with Weigel, Hans
    related >> related to >> parent of Lothar, Johanna "Hansi"
    related >> related to >> sibling of Müller, Hans
    1938 related >> was/were helped by >> was financially supported by Müller, Hans
    1935 related >> collaborated with Reinhardt, Max
    1914-11-10 1933-04-21 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Sachs des Renaudes, Mary Helene
    1946-06 related >> interrogated Wessely, Paula


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1890-10-25 Place of Birth Brno
    1974-10-30 related >> died in Vienna
    1946-06-11 related >> returned to Vienna
    1939 1941 related >> stayed in New York, NY
    1938 related >> fled to Switzerland
    1939 related >> fled to Paris
    1939 related >> emigrated to United States of America
    1952 1959 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Salzburg
    1904 1914 related >> moved to Vienna
    1941 1945 related >> lived in Colorado Springs, CO


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1942 related >> wrote >> author of A Woman Is Witness: A Paris Diary (Tagebuch einer Wienerin)
    1942 related >> wrote >> author of Beneath Another Sun
    1944 related >> wrote >> author of Der Engel mit der Posaune (The Angel with the Trumpet)
    1945 1949 related >> wrote >> author of Die Rückkehr (Return to Vienna)
    1961 related >> wrote >> author of Das Wunder des Überlebens (The Miracle of Surviving)
    1961 related >> wrote >> author of Unter anderer Sonne
    1945 related >> publisher of Heldenplatz (The Prisoner)


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Lothar, Ernst Legacy name (merge) deu
    Müller, Ernst Lothar alternative name >> given name deu


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