works Die Rückkehr (Return to Vienna)

General Info | TEI

Titel Die Rückkehr (Return to Vienna)
ID 795
Type publication >> novel
Date 1949
  • Return From Exile
  • Uri(s)
    Notes This novel was simultaneously published in English in New York and in German in Austria. It could not live up to the earlier success of The Angel with the Trumpet, as the novel's themes of reimigration, exile and antisemitism did not correspond with the public's reading interests at the time. The main character returns to Vienna from his exile in the USA and remains feeling torn between his new and old "Heimat" (homelands).
    References Cf. Straub, Importierte Ideologie? in Return from Exile, esp. 138-141.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1945 1949 related >> was/were written by >> written by Lothar, Ernst


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