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Curtiss, Mina Kirstein Smith College taught at
Aaron, Daniel Uniwersytet Warszawski taught at 1962 1963
Kaufmann, Walter Arnold Hebrew Univeristy Jerusalem taught at
Fodor, Marcel the Stammtisch of foreign correspondents at the Café Louvre was member of
Doolittle, Hilda Hotel Regina stayed at 1934-10 1934-12-02
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich University of Vienna got the venia legendi at 1929
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich Catholicism converted to 1937
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich Cambridge University worked for a semester at 1939
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich Johns Hopkins University worked as research associate at 1940 1942
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich Catholic University in Washington, D.C. worked for/at 1942 1959
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich University of Vienna was guest professor at 1949
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich University of Vienna was full professor for modern history at 1959 1968
Engel-Janosi, Friedrich Austrian Academy of Sciences was elected corresponding member of 1963
Fischer, Kurt Rudolf Millersville University of Pennsylvania was chair at
Gunther, John Anglo-American Press Association was president of
Gardiner, Muriel Wellesley College graduated from 1922
Gardiner, Muriel University of Oxford attended as a graduate student but left without a Dr.phil. 1922 1926
Gardiner, Muriel University of Vienna studied medicine at 1932
Gardiner, Muriel University of Vienna received a degree in medicine from 1938-06
Berg, Jimmy Voice of America worked for/at 1947 1974
Berg, Jimmy ABC cabaret worked as a musician at 1935
Berg, Jimmy Rot-Weiß-Rot worked for/at 1947 1955
Berg, Jimmy Die Arche performed at
Berg, Jimmy Vienna Café wrote short operettas for
Hoover, Herbert American Relief Administration - European Children's Fund was head of 1919 1924

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