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Kaufmann, Emil Princeton University taught at
Kaufmann, Emil Yale University taught at
Kaufmann, Emil Harvard University taught at
Kaufmann, Emil Kunstwissenschaftliche Forschungen wrote for
Kaufmann, Emil Jewish related
Panofsky, Erwin Princeton University taught at 1935
Pächt, Otto University of Oxford worked for/at
Pächt, Otto Warburg Institute, London worked for/at
Pächt, Otto Universität Heidelberg graduated from 1932
Wilder, Billy Jewish related
Johnson, Eldridge D. Victor Talking Machine Company founder of 1901
Hutchins, Robert M. University of Chicago was president of 1945 1951
Hutchins, Robert M. Oberlin College studied at
Mann, Thomas Schloss Leopoldskron visited 1935-08
Wilder, Thornton United States Army, Air Forces related 1945
Beer-Hofmann, Richard Jewish related
Beer-Hofmann, Richard Theater in der Josefstadt was stage director at 1932
Beer-Hofmann, Richard Burgtheater Wien was stage director at 1932
Aaron, Daniel Jewish related
Aaron, Daniel University of Michigan studied at 1929 1933
Aaron, Daniel Harvard University graduated from 1937
Hicks, Granville Harvard University taught at 1938 1939
Hicks, Granville Communist Party USA was member of
Aaron, Daniel Smith College taught at 1939 1971
Arvin, Newton Smith College taught at

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