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Davies, Joseph Edward Federal Trade Commission was chair at 1915 1916
Davies, Joseph Edward Embassy of the United States in Brussels was head of 1938 1939
Davies, Joseph Edward War Relief Control Board was chair at 1942
Lewisohn, Ludwig The Nation wrote articles for 1919 1924
Mencken, Henry L. The American Mercury founder of 1924
Fodor, Marcel The Manchester Guardian (since 1959 The Guardian) was a foreign correspondent in Central Europe for 1920 1938
Fodor, Marcel The Nation was a foreign correspondent in Central Europe for 1920 1938
Fodor, Marcel The New Republic was a foreign correspondent in Central Europe for 1920 1938
Fodor, Marcel The American Mercury was a foreign correspondent in Central Europe for 1920 1938
Fodor, Marcel Die Neue Zeitung editor of
Fodor, Marcel Voice of America policy director of 1955 1965
Fodor, Marcel Voice of America program evaluator at 1955 1965
Simmel, Walter Jewish related
Simmel, Johannes Mario Welt am Abend worked for/at 1946
Simmel, Lisa Wien-Film worked for/at
Gordon, Peter Theater in der Josefstadt worked for/at
Dor, Milo P.E.N. Club, Austria was vice president at 1972 1988
Kreuzer, Franz Arbeiterzeitung (Wien) worked for/at
Schütz, Alfred New School for Social Research taught at 1943
Mises, Ludwig von New York University taught at 1945
Mises, Ludwig von University of Vienna studied at
Garfinkel, Harold New School for Social Research studied at
Luckmann, Thomas Universität Konstanz taught at 1970 1994
Luckmann, Thomas New School for Social Research taught at 1960 1965
Luckmann, Thomas Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main taught at 1965

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