persons Luckmann, Thomas

General Info | TEI

Name Luckmann, Thomas
Alternative Names
ID 77
Gender male
Lifespan 1927 - 2016
  • Ideas Crossing the Atlantic
  • Default import collection
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1970 1994 related >> worked for/at >> taught at Universität Konstanz
    1960 1965 related >> worked for/at >> taught at New School for Social Research
    1965 related >> worked for/at >> taught at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
    1950 1956 related >> studied at New School for Social Research


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> was influenced by Schütz, Alfred
    related >> student of Schütz, Alfred
    related >> collaborated with Berger, Peter L.


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1927 Place of Birth Jesenice (Slowenien)
    1965 related >> lived in Germany
    1950 related >> emigrated to United States of America


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1966 related >> wrote >> author of The Social Construction of Reality
    1989 related >> wrote >> author of Strukturen der Lebenswelt
    1978 related >> editor of Phenomenology and Sociology


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