works 20th Century Journey

General Info | TEI

Titel 20th Century Journey
ID 5166
Type publication >> autobiography
Date 1976
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    Notes In "20th Century Journey", a two-volumes (vol. 1 "The Start 1904-1930" , published in 1976; vol. 2 "The Nightmare Years 1930-1940", published 1984), Shirer included a comprehensive account of the turbulent years there with comments on dozens of individuals with whom he was in contact as they either worked as foreign journalists in Vienna covering the successor states of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and parts of the Balkans, or merely passed through and met with the journalist. He also relied on the articles and the popular history "Inside Europe" of his friend and colleague John Gunther, whom he had preceded by more than one year in coming to Vienna, and the publications of Vincent Sheean, another journalist, novelist and popular historian from the Midwest.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1976 related >> was/were written by >> written by Shirer, William Lawrence
    related >> features/featured Lyon, Darwin


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