works The Matchmaker

General Info | TEI

Titel The Matchmaker
ID 1790
Type publication >> play
Date 1954
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    References See the pertinent essays by many prominent academics, Helmut Papajewski and Franz Link, Helmut Viebrock and Rudolf Germer, Heinz Kosok and Rudolf Haas as well as the assessment of Wilder’s major role and reception in post-war Germany by Horst Oppel, and the personal perspective by Wilder’s brother Amos (Niven) in Thornton Wilder and His Public. Philadelphia, PA: Fortress Press 1980.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1954 related >> was/were written by >> written by Wilder, Thornton
    related >> features/featured >> features (fictional character) Levi, Dolly
    related >> features/featured >> features (fictional character) Mr. Vandergelder
    related >> features/featured >> features (fictional character) Kemper, Ambrose


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1954 related >> was brought to the stage in Edinburgh
    1954 related >> was brought to the stage in Newcastle, UK
    related >> was brought to the stage in Berlin
    related >> was brought to the stage in London
    related >> was brought to the stage in New York, NY
    related >> set in >> projects Vienna


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    rewriting of The Merchant of Yonkers
    furnished material for Hello, Dolly!


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