persons Engel-Janosi, Friedrich

General Info | TEI

Name Engel-Janosi, Friedrich
Alternative Names
ID 646
Gender male
Lifespan 1893-02-18 - 1978-03-07
Professions historian (Q201788)
  • Default import collection
  • Return From Exile
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    Notes The Austrian historian Friedrich Engel-Janosi was very active in Viennese intellectual circles in the interwar years, attending discussion circles with Alfred F. Pribram, Oskar Morgenstern, Alfred Schütz and Eric Voegelin. His singular combination of archival research and the initiation of major editions as well as his inquiry into crucial theoretical issues of the historical discipline, the history of political ideas and the philosophy of historiography were crucial at the time. His intensive work with sources reflects historical periods from the Renaissance to the twentieth century, with a focus on Austria-Hungary. Engel-Janosi contributed importantly as a dedicated teacher, to whom many historians owe a debt of gratitude . He encouraged and inspired many of them as a mentor. He also faced disappointments as a distinguished scholar confronted with provincialism as his full academic reinstatement in Austria was held up by various bureaucratic hurdles. He was a prolific scholar in the field of Austrian history of the 19th century with a large number of significant editions of documents but also with major publications on historical scholarship generally and the philosophical implications of historiography.
    References Cf. Heindl & Nagl-Docekal, "...aber ein stolzer Bettler" in Return from Exile, 271-286; see also Fellner, "Lebensbild", 1963, 307-22 and Stourzh, Gerald. „Friedrich Engel-Janosi. Nachruf.“ Almanach der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 128. Jg. (1978). Wien: 1979. 357-69.



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1940 1942 worked as research associate at Johns Hopkins University
    1942 1959 worked for/at Catholic University in Washington, D.C.
    1959 1968 was full professor for modern history at University of Vienna
    studied at University of Vienna
    1935 became associate professor of history at University of Vienna
    1929 got the venia legendi at University of Vienna
    1937 converted to Catholicism
    1939 worked for a semester at Cambridge University
    1949 was guest professor at University of Vienna
    1963 was elected corresponding member of Austrian Academy of Sciences


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1922-02-26 1963 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Kallmus, Caroline
    1978 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Reuther, Christiane Camilla
    related >> acquainted with Mahler, Gustav
    related >> acquainted with >> correspondence with >> had intensive personal correspondence with Voegelin, Eric
    related >> acquainted with Bernays, Anna Freud
    related >> acquainted with Freud, Sophie
    related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with Pound, Ezra
    related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with >> had a conversation with Meitner, Lise
    related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with >> had a conversation with Schrödinger, Erwin
    related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> had a meeting with >> had a conversation with Weinzierl, Franz Xaver


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1893-02-18 1893-02-18 Place of Birth Vienna
    1978-03-07 1978-03-07 related >> died in Vienna
    1937 1938 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work >> worked as a guest professor in Rome
    1938 1939 related >> stayed in Vienna
    1940-04 related >> emigrated to United States of America
    1939 related >> emigrated to >> emigrated via Switzerland and France to England
    1893-02-18 related >> born in Osterleitengasse 12, 1190 Vienna
    1959 1959 related >> returned to Vienna
    1978 related >> lived in Garnisongasse 3, 1090 Vienna
    1895 1936 related >> lived at >> grew up in Hofzeile 10-12, 1190 Oberdöbling


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Engel-Janosi, Friedrich Legacy name (merge) deu


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