persons Weigel, Hans

General Info | TEI

Name Weigel, Hans
Alternative Names
ID 614
Gender male
Lifespan 1908-05-29 - 1991-08-12
Professions writer, librettist, theater critic
  • Default import collection
  • manually created entity
  • Return From Exile
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Weigel, together with Milo Dor, were the intellectual pillars of anti-Communism in Austria. Both were renegades (former sympathizers of communism), which was a central characteristic of the anti-Communist narrative, though less important than reimmigration in anti-Communism in Austria. He was a representative of conservative-austriacist conception of art that did not support new artistic trends, but rather sought to restore previous cultural glory. He wrote many essays on the "homeless left".
    References Cf. Straub, Importierte Ideologie? in Return from Exile, esp. 135-137, 146-150; see also Wienbibliothek Nachlass Hans Weigel for various of his writings.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1952 1963 related >> participated in the Brecht-boycott


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> wrote for >> wrote articles for Wiener Kurier
    related >> wrote for >> wrote articles for Kontinente
    related >> contributed to Rot-Weiß-Rot
    related >> wrote for >> wrote articles for Der Monat
    related >> wrote for >> wrote articles for FORVM: Österreichische Monatsblätter für kulturelle Freiheit


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> acquainted with Dor, Milo
    related >> friendship with Bronner, Gerhard
    related >> in a relationship with >> life partner of Ott, Elfriede
    1954-12-13 1954-12-13 related >> acquainted with >> correspondence with Lasky, Melvin
    related >> acquainted with >> had a tense relationship with Lothar, Ernst
    related >> acquainted with >> had a tense relationship with Haeusserman, Ernst
    related >> acquainted with >> had a tense relationship with Torberg, Friedrich


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1938 1945 stayed in Switzerland
    Place of Birth Vienna
    died in Maria Enzersdorf
    1938 emigrated to Switzerland
    1945 returned to Vienna


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1940 related >> wrote >> author of Der Grüne Stern
    1951 1956 related >> editor of Stimmen der Gegenwart
    1952-04 1952-05 related >> wrote a review of Tote auf Urlaub
    1954 1954 related >> wrote >> author of In den Wind gesprochen


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Weigel, Hans Legacy name (merge) deu


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