institutions United Jewish Refugee & War Relief Agencies

General Info | TEI

Titel United Jewish Refugee & War Relief Agencies
ID 9128
Type None
  • Return From Exile
  • Uri(s)
    Notes 1.802 refugees of mostly Jewish descent were registered on index cards. However, as not all refugees were registered via such cards, the actual number of "interned refugees" is assumed to be 2.533. All in all only 6.000 refugees (4.000 thereof Jewish) found refuge in Canada pre-World War Two (see Abella & Troper 1979, 181). Ca. 500-700 refugees were from Austria.
    References Strutz, Andrea. "Wohin zurückkehren? Österreichische Flüchtlinge als "feindliche Ausländer" in Kanada." Return from Exile. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2017, 61-80. See also Abella, Irving; Troper, Harold. " 'The line must be drawn somewhere:' Canada and Jewish Refugees 1933-9." Canadian Historical Review 60.2 (1979): 178-209.


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