institutions Der Fremdenverkehr

General Info | TEI

Titel Der Fremdenverkehr
  • alternative name: Österreichs Illustrierte Fremdenverkehrs- und Reisezeitung
  • ID 8572
    Type weekly journal
    Date 1908
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • Uri(s)
    Notes This weekly journal for tourism business had as its subtitle "Illustrierte Wochenschrift zur Förderung der Verkehrsinteressen Österreichs" which clarifies that its stakeholders were eagerly promoting Austria as a region of interest for tourists (Zacharasiewicz 2021, 61). They both illustrated how the (sub-)alpine regions of Upper & Lower Austria, Tyrol and Styria could be reached by train, as well as providing information on the many spas and other watering-places in existence, thus constructing a very specific touristic conception of Austrian national identity (ibid.). In various issues, the paper documents the visits of varying numbers of American tourists and the promotions of Austria in American publications, such as the New Yorker Morning Chronicle or New York Tribune (Zacharasiewicz 2021, 62). Publications after world war two focussed on the financial aid the ERP contributed to the Austrian tourist industry.
    References see Zacharasiewicz, "Perception and Promotion of Austrian Regions and Resorts" in Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda. 2021, 61.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1908-10-25 1909-02-28 related >> mentioned Lectures on Austrian regions
    1910-02 1912-08-03 related >> mentioned Inaugural journey of observation cars through Austria



    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Österreichs Illustrierte Fremdenverkehrs- und Reisezeitung 1934 alternative name deu


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