institutions Pictorial Section (ISB)

General Info | TEI

Titel Pictorial Section (ISB)
ID 5416
Type None
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • Uri(s)
    Notes From the summer of 1945, the Pictorial Section was central in propagating the mission and politics of the Marshall plan by supplying the newly established Austrian newspapers with free pictorial material. As a part of the US Allied Commission for Austria (USACA) (which answered to the Supreme Command of the US Armed Forces in Austria) its activities were based on the interests of US foreign policy. Over 1,800 ECA pictures per month were taken to fulfil the section's duty of extensively informing the Austrian public of the ECA's mission and practice.
    References For more information see Bischof, Günter, and Hans Petscher. The Marshall Plan – since 1947. Saving Europe Rebuilding Austria. New Orleans: U of New Orleans P, 2017. (German Edition: Wien: Brandstätter 2017). 184 ff. The photographic archive of the United States Informaiton Services (USIS) is held by the Austrian National Library.



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> was part of US Information Service Branch (ISB)
    related >> collaborated with >> photo reports were used by Wiener Kurier
    related >> collaborated with >> photos were given to Bildbeilage


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1945-10 located in/at Vienna
    1945-06-10 1945-10 located in/at Salzburg


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1948-09 1954 related >> was headed by Okamoto, Yoichi R.
    1945 1948-09 related >> was headed by Hollem, Howard


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