institutions Marshall Plan

General Info | TEI

Titel Marshall Plan
ID 5380
Type economic recovery program
Date 1948 - 1952
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Between 1948 and 1952 ca. $13.2 billion in aid were delivered to sixteen European countries. While the Marshall Plan was essential for rebuilding the European economy and securing democracy, it also cemented the division between East and West (see Petschar). Of all the countries receiving Marshall aid, in Austria its percentage of the GDP was highest, with 14% in 1948-1949. Marshall aid to Austria in total amounted to $962 million until 1952. The Marshall Plan counterparts are still at work in Austria. The ERP fund established in 1962 has, over the last 65 years invested 208 billion Austrian Schillings in the Austrian economy. The Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation keeps its memory alive through funding fellowships, conferences and publications.
    References Cf. Petschar: "Communicating the Marshall Plan in Austria", 253-268. For more information see Bischof, Günter, and Hans Petscher. The Marshall Plan – since 1947. Saving Europe Rebuilding Austria. New Orleans: U of New Orleans P, 2017. (German Edition: Wien: Brandstätter 2017).




    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    European Recovery Program (ERP) Legacy name (merge) deu


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