institutions New School for Social Research

General Info | TEI

Titel New School for Social Research
  • alternative name: School for Social Research (New York, NY)
  • alternative name: New York School for Social Research
  • alternative name: The New School for Social Research
  • ID 1222
    Type None
    Date 1919 - 1997
  • Default import collection
  • webclient
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> location >> located in/at New York, NY
    related >> location >> located in/at 6 E 16th St, New York, NY 10003, United States


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1934 employed as teacher Toch, Ernst
    1938 1942 employed as teacher Eisler, Hanns
    1943 employed as teacher Schütz, Alfred
    1945 1958 employed as teacher Jahoda, Marie
    1948 1951 employed as teacher Untermeyer, Jean Starr
    1950 1956 was place of study of Luckmann, Thomas
    1958 was place of study of Lerner, Gerda
    1960 1965 employed as teacher Luckmann, Thomas
    1941 employer of Zuckmayer, Carl
    was place of study of Garfinkel, Harold


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    School for Social Research (New York, NY) alternative name deu
    New York School for Social Research alternative name deu
    The New School for Social Research alternative name deu


    No text provided for this