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Adorno, Theodor W. Frankfurt am Main born in
Adorno, Theodor W. Visp died in
Beauvoir, Simone Paris born in
Beauvoir, Simone Paris died in
Kreisky, Bruno Vienna related
Arendt, Hannah Linden (Hannover) related
Gadamer, Hans-Georg Marburg related
Kraus, Karl Jičín related
Thompson, Dorothy Vienna stayed in for work 1921 1925
Gunther, John Chicago, IL born in 1901-08-30
Gunther, John New York, NY died in 1970-05-29
Gunther, John Vienna stayed in for work 1930-06 1935
Gunther, John London stayed in for work 1935
Shirer, William Lawrence Vienna stayed in for work 1929-02 1932-10
Mahler-Werfel, Alma Maria Vienna Place of Birth 1879-08-31
Herlitschka, Herberth Egon Vienna born in 1893-12-26
Herlitschka, Herberth Egon Bern died in 1970-06-06
Viertel, Berthold Mariahilfer Straße 96, 1070 Vienna born in 1885-06-28
Preminger, Otto Vyzhnytsia Place of Birth
Torberg, Friedrich Vienna Place of Birth 1908-09-16
Haeusserman, Ernst Leipzig Place of Birth 1916-06-03
Weigel, Hans Vienna Place of Birth
Lothar, Ernst Brno Place of Birth 1890-10-25
Beer-Hofmann, Richard Porzellangasse 2, 1090 Vienna Place of Birth 1866-07-11
Werfel, Franz Prague Place of Birth 1890-09-10

Page total: 25