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Doolittle, Hilda Poetry wrote for 1913
Doolittle, Hilda British Museum regularly visited
Aldington, Richard British Museum regularly visited
Untermeyer, Louis The Seven Arts founder of 1916
Untermeyer, Jean Starr New School for Social Research taught at 1948 1951
Williams, William Carlos American Medical Association (AMA) of Vienna studied at 1924
Munson, G B Secession founder of
Kreymborg, Alfred Broom founder of
Loeb, Harold Broom founder of
Conway, Moncure Daniel Harper's Magazine wrote for 1873
Boyle, Kay Broom worked for/at
Boyle, Kay The New Yorker wrote for 1931
Boyle, Kay Hotel Hellenstainer stayed at 1934-06
Lothar, Ernst American citizenship related 1944
Lothar, Ernst Austrian citizenship related 1955
Lothar, Ernst US Information Service Branch (ISB) worked as culture officer for 1946-06 1947
Morris, Wright Pomona College, California attended 1933
Farkas, Karl Österreichischer Rundfunk worked for/at 1957
Lindheim, Bogislav Universität Heidelberg taught at 1962 1965
Lindheim, Bogislav Freie Universität Berlin taught at 1951 1962
Tandler, Adolph Los Angeles Philharmonic conductor of 1913 1921
Steiner, Max Ronacher Vienna was director of 1912 1912
Steiner, Max RKO Pictures, Hollywood worked for/at 1929 1936
Steiner, Max Warner Brothers Pictures worked for/at 1936
Steiner, Max Selznick International Orchestra worked for/at

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