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Krenek, Ernst Staatstheater Kassel worked for/at 1925 1927
Krenek, Ernst Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY worked for/at 1939 1942
Krenek, Ernst American citizenship related 1945
Krenek, Ernst School of Fine Arts, Hamline University (Saint Paul, MN) worked for/at 1942 1947
Fischer, Kurt Rudolf St. John's University Shanghai studied at
Fischer, Kurt Rudolf University of California Berkeley studied at 1949 1964
Buschbeck, Ernst H. Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien worked for/at 1919
Abish, Walter American citizenship related 1960
Kraus, Karl Jewish related 1874 1899
Kraus, Karl Roman Catholic related 1911 1923
Abish, Walter State University of New York (Buffalo, NY) taught at
Abish, Walter Wheaton College (Norton, MA) taught at
Abish, Walter Columbia University taught at
Abish, Walter Brown University taught at
Abish, Walter Yale University taught at
Abish, Walter Cooper Union Art School (New York, NY) taught at
Cavell, Stanley Jewish related
Cavell, Stanley University of California Berkeley studied at
Cavell, Stanley The Juilliard School of Music studied at
Cavell, Stanley University of California Los Angeles. Department of Philosophy studied at
Cavell, Stanley University of California Berkeley worked for/at 1956
Cavell, Stanley Harvard University studied at
Cavell, Stanley Harvard University worked for/at 1963 1997
Farkas, Karl Akademie für Musik und Darstellende Kunst (Vienna) studied at
Farkas, Karl Kabarett Simpl was art director at 1927 1938

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