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Wilson, Wallace British Columbia Medical Association was president of 1928
Wilson, Wallace Canadian Medical Association was president of 1946
Graham, Colin American Medical Association (AMA) of Vienna attended classes at 1930
Wilson, Wallace American Medical Association (AMA) of Vienna attended classes at 1930
Duranty, Walter The New York Times worked for/at
Fodor, Marcel - lectured at
Fodor, Marcel Chicago Daily News worked for/at
Frank, Alice Mädchenlyzeum attended
Broch, Hermann Yaddo Foundation attended 1939
Untermeyer, Jean Starr Yaddo Foundation attended 1939
Herlitschka, Herberth Egon Albatross Books founder of
Pollak, Oscar Arbeiterzeitung (Wien) editor of
Messersmith, George S. Embassy of the United States in Vienna was head of 1934 1937
Gunther, John Arbeiterzeitung (Wien) wrote for
Kranz, Heinrich B Jewish related
Seldes, George Chicago Tribune was a foreign correspondent in Central Europe for
Gossman, Oliver British citizenship related
Fabricant, Noah D American Medical Association (AMA) of Vienna attended classes at
Canfield, Cass Harper and Brothers was president of
Gunther, John Chicago Daily News, London office was head of 1935
Best, Robert United Press International worked for/at 1923-05 1941
Rainer, Luise Theater in der Josefstadt worked for/at 1931
Best, Robert Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC graduated from 1916
Best, Robert Columbia University studied at 1920 1922
Best, Robert Amepress worked for/at

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