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Kellenberger, Hunter American Council of Learned Societies was member of
Kralik von Meyrswalden, Richard University of Vienna taught at
Stewart, Donald Ogden Yale University graduated from
Bishop, John Peale Grand Hotel Gardone Riviera, Lake Garda stayed at
Cowley, Malcolm Harvard University graduated from 1920
Cowley, Malcolm Harvard Advocate editor of
Cowley, Malcolm American Field Service worked for/at 1917
French Dadaists Gasthof Post, Imst stayed at 1921
Cowley, Malcolm Secession was editor of 1922
Cowley, Malcolm Broom was editor of
Glas, Emil Sanatorium Auersperg worked for/at
Wolfe, Thomas Hotel Höller stayed at 1928-10-19
Bernstein, Aline Jewish related
Wolfe, Thomas Burgtheater Wien visited 1928-11
Wolfe, Thomas Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien visited 1928-10
Wolfe, Thomas Kabarett Simpl attended 1928
Wilder, Thornton Hotel Bayerischer Hof stayed at 1928-12
Wilder, Isabel Hotel Bayerischer Hof stayed at 1928-12
Herlitschka, Herberth Egon E.P. Tal & Co Verlag worked for/at
Hergesheimer, Joseph Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts studied at 1896
Hergesheimer, Joseph Hotel Imperial stayed at 1931-06
Kellner, Dora Sophie Die praktische Berlinerin was editor of 1926
Gunther, Frances News Chronicle (London) was a foreign correspondent in Central Europe for
Gunther, John Central Telegraph Office Vienna regularly visited 1930 1935
Thompson, Dorothy Central Telegraph Office Vienna related 1933

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