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Winch, Peter University of London taught at 1985
Holmes, Sr., Oliver Wendell Harvard University taught at 1847 1882
Osler, William University of Oxford taught at
Agassiz, Louis Harvard University taught at 1847 1873
Steindachner, Franz Naturhistorisches Museum Wien was director of 1898 1919
Cogswell, Joseph Green Harvard University taught at
Cogswell, Joseph Green Roundhill School, Northampton founder of
Follen, Charles Harvard University taught at
Gilman, Daniel Coit Johns Hopkins University was president of
Kirkland, James Hampton Vanderbilt University was chancellor of 1893 1937
Kirkland, James Hampton Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC studied at
Smith, Charles Forster Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC taught at
Smith, Charles Forster Harvard University studied at
Allen, Fredrik D. Harvard University taught at
Münsterberg, Hugo Harvard University was chair at 1892 1916
Lowell, Abott Lawrence Harvard University was president of
Warren, Jonathan Mason Harvard Medical School graduated from
Greeley, Hugh Payne Harvard Medical School graduated from
Hunt, Harriot Kezia Harvard Medical School was admitted to 1850
Steindachner, Franz Naturhistorisches Museum Wien was curator at 1870 1898
Steindachner, Franz Schottengymnasium in Wien attended
Steindachner, Franz University of Vienna studied at
Blackwell, Elizabeth Geneva Medical College, New York studied medicine at 1847-10 1849-01-23
Rokitansky, Carl von Vienna General Hospital was director of
Davies, Joseph Edward University of Wisconsin-Madison studied at 1898 1901

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