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Aaron, Daniel Harvard University related 1970
Thompson, Dorothy Philadelphia Public Ledger worked for/at 1921
Thompson, Dorothy European office of the Philadelphia Public Ledger worked for/at 1925
Gunther, John Chicago Daily News wrote for 1930 1935
Shirer, William Lawrence Chicago Tribune worked for/at 1927 1932-10
Thompson, Dorothy The New York Evening Post worked for/at
Preminger, Otto Theater in der Josefstadt worked for/at 1928
Haeusserman, Ernst Burgtheater Wien was director of 1959 1968
Haeusserman, Ernst Rot-Weiß-Rot was director of 1953
Lothar, Ernst Neue Freie Presse, Redaktion worked for/at 1925 1933
Lothar, Ernst Theater in der Josefstadt was director of 1935 1938
Lothar, Ernst Burgtheater Wien directed plays at 1933 1935
Lothar, Ernst Colorado College, Colorado Springs taught at 1941 1945
Sheean, James Vincent University of Chicago studied at 1916 1919
Sheean, James Vincent Chicago Tribune worked for/at 1923
Heller, Clemens Harvard University studied at 1945 1947
Dos Passos, John Harvard University studied at 1912 1916
Gunther, John University of Chicago studied at
Kellner, Leon University of Vienna studied at 1880 1883
Haeusserman, Ernst Film-, Theater-, und Musikabteilung der US-Botschaft in Wien was director of 1948 1953
Weigel, Hans Wiener Kurier wrote articles for
Weigel, Hans Kontinente wrote articles for
Weigel, Hans Rot-Weiß-Rot contributed to
Weigel, Hans Der Monat wrote articles for
Weigel, Hans FORVM: Österreichische Monatsblätter für kulturelle Freiheit wrote articles for

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