works Tvory: u chotyr´och tomach, shesty knyhach

General Info | TEI

Titel Tvory: u chotyr´och tomach, shesty knyhach
ID 8981
Type collection of poetry
Date 1994 - 1998
  • Religion in the Secular Age
  • Uri(s)
    Notes This was the first edition of a collection of Stus' poetry published in Ukraine. Stus uses religious motives in the form of prayer, liturgical forms as well as biblical quotations. He also described churches in Kyiv, "a type of earthly Jerusalem", to emphasise the importance of past and present religious places for the Ukrainian spirit.
    References Woldan, Alois. "Religious aspects in Ukrainian poetry – the case of Vasyl´ Stus." Religion in the Secular Age. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> was/were written by >> written by Stus, Vasyl´


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