works Der Amerikamüde (The Man Tired of America)

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Titel Der Amerikamüde (The Man Tired of America)
ID 8826
Type publication >> novel
Date 1855
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    Notes In this anti-American novel, Kürnberger writes about an Austrian-Hungarian poet who is disillusioned from America upon his arrival there. For the protagonist, the only solution to improving America's evil nature is a Germanification of the country and its people. Yet, in the process of trying to Germanize America, the character has become a corrupt Yankee himself. The basis of American polarization portrayed in the book is American prejudice against Europeans, with a noticable lack of any mention of slavery, abolitionism or North-South divide.
    References Kriegleder, Wynfrid. "Looking for a Scapegoat. Germanophone Novelists of the 19th and 20th Century Depicting a Polarized America." Polarization in the North Atlantic Triangle. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2023.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1855 related >> was/were written by >> written by Kürnberger, Ferdinand


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