works Jonny spielt auf (still life)

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Titel Jonny spielt auf (still life)
ID 8755
Type painting >> still life
Date 1928
  • Polarization in the North Atlantic Triangle
  • Uri(s)
    Notes The painting in the style of the "New Objectivity" was first titled "Stillleben mit Negermaske" (Still life with Negro Mask) at the Sezession exhibit in 1928. Ehrlich-Bauer most likely painted it after visiting Krenek's opera in 1927.
    References Krick-Aigner, Kirsten. "An Examination of Jazz and Identity and Blackness in Ernst Krenek’s 1927 Opera Jonny spielt auf and Bettina Ehrlich-Bauer’s 1928 Still Life Jonny spielt auf." Polarization in the North Atlantic Triangle. Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW, 2023. The painting is part of a private collection in Salzburg.



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