works Report on Germany

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Titel Report on Germany
ID 8705
Type reports
Date 1947
  • manually created entity
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    Notes Appended to this work was a 316-page compendium of interviews conducted by Havighurst from September to November, 1947. In early 1948, hundreds of copies of this invaluable source were distributed to the senior officials and staff of the Rockefeller Foundation and the heads of scientific institutions and universities, mainly in the United States, where it exerted a profound influence on American academic and education policy at the dawn of the Cold War. Havighurst’s manuscript Report would never see print, although a book by Lewis H. Brown with the same title was published in 1947 (New York: Farrar, Straus and Company, 1947). The author had been commissioned to prepare the report by Gen. Lucius D. Clay. The book, some of it drafted in Germany, outlined in-depth recommendations for rebuilding the country after the war and in fact served as the basis for drafting parts of the Marshall Plan. The individuals interviewed included Generals George C. Marshall, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Joseph T. McNarney, and John H. Hilldring, acting and subsequent Secretaries of State James F. Byrnes and John Foster Dulles, former President Herbert Hoover, former senator Sinclair Weeks, and many others. (see Frank in “Ideas Crossing the Atlantic”, p. 251)



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1947 was/were written by Havighurst, Robert J.
    features contribution by Eisenhower, Dwight D.
    features contribution by Dulles, John Foster
    features contribution by Byrnes, James F.
    features contribution by Hoover, Herbert


    No text provided for this