works Der Fragebogen

General Info | TEI

Titel Der Fragebogen
  • alternative name >> translation: The Questionnaire
  • alternative name >> translation: The Answers
  • ID 8683
    Type publication >> novel >> autobiographical novel
    Date 1951
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes The title of the novel is a reference to the polls probing the track record of German citizens during the 12 years of Nazi rule, which soon achieved notoriety for their relentlessness in asking questions in painstaking detail about membership and leadership in Nazi organizations and institutions, data of publications authored by the respondent, and participation in the “aryanization” of Jewish property. The novel builds on ironic and self-ironic answers to the questions posed by the Allied survey in 1945. The book became the first bestseller in the history of post-war German publishing and went through a record number of printings. (see Frank in "Ideas Crossing the Atlantic", p.245)



    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    The Questionnaire alternative name >> translation usa
    The Answers alternative name >> translation gbr


    No text provided for this