works Das internationale Reisepublikum

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Titel Das internationale Reisepublikum
ID 8575
Type series
Date 1908-05-17
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • Uri(s)
    Notes In this series on the international travelling public, after writing about typical tourists from Germany and England, the American tourists were written about as belonging to the "Crème de la Crème" of visitors from abroad (Zacharasiewicz 2021, 61). While Americans are said to be known to spend much money abroad in places of motor-car tourism, this money has yet to find its way to Austria. In fact, the writers note that Americans do not even properly know yet of Austria.
    References see Zacharasiewicz, "Perception and Promotion of Austrian Regions and Resorts" in Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda. 2021, 61.




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