works Between the Thunder and the Sun

General Info | TEI

Titel Between the Thunder and the Sun
ID 714
Type publication >> autobiography >> personal account
Date 1943
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes In his book Sheean offers a paean to the performances at the Salzburg festival conducted by Arturo Toscanini: Falstaff, Fidelio, the Fourth Symphony by Brahms and the Verdi Requiem, with the last filling the audience with terror and premonition (6). There is also many a tribute to Bruno Walter’s role as a conductor, especially his performance of Don Giovanni (Zacharasiewicz, Transatlantic Networks p.224).



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1943 related >> was/were written by >> written by Sheean, James Vincent
    related >> features/featured Toscanini, Arturo
    related >> features/featured Šaljapin, Fëdor I.
    related >> features/featured Lehmann, Lotte


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> set in Salzburg
    related >> setting transferred to [REVERSE] Innsbruck


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