works Private correspondence of the Shirers and John Gunther including political commentary

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Titel Private correspondence of the Shirers and John Gunther including political commentary
ID 5189
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    Notes His continuing emotional ties to Vienna, not only through his Viennese wife Tess Stiberitz-Shirer, are manifest in a series of letters to the Gunthers after the Shirers had left Vienna. John Gunther had ostensibly confided in Tess Stiberitz-Shirer, with whom he had a particularly close relationship, some of the marital problems with his neurasthenic wife Frances. The correspondence of the Shirers with the Gunthers reflects these ties, but it also mirrors the nostalgia which the memory of shared experiences in the past evoked. The letters sent to the Gunthers thus reflect Shirer’s continuing bond with Vienna. And soon both journalists had occasion to regret the tragedy of the Austrian Civil War.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1932-11 1970 related >> was/were written by >> written by Shirer, William Lawrence


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