works The Cabala

General Info | TEI

Titel The Cabala
ID 1766
Type publication >> novel
Date 1926
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)
    Notes "This complex and episodic story presents the emotional entanglements and intense unhappiness of American expatriates and European aristocrats as perceived by an American student of ancient history in Rome. [...] [Penelope] Niven comments on the genesis of this text mirrored in a draft titled “The Memoirs of Charles Malison: A Year in Rome.” Niven also refers to traces of Henry James, Marcel Proust, and Edith Wharton in this first novel by Wilder." (see Zacharasiewicz in "Ideas Crossing the Atlantic," p. 143)



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1926 related >> was/were written by >> written by Wilder, Thornton


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