works Tribute to Freud by H. D. with Unpublished Letters by Freud to the Author

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Titel Tribute to Freud by H. D. with Unpublished Letters by Freud to the Author
ID 1686
Type publication >> autobiography >> memoir
Date 1956
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    Notes Composed in the fall of 1944 in London, H.D. presents scenes from her childhood and focuses on her own father, the astronomer Dr. Doolittle. She captures many scenes from the past and offers graphic impressions from the consultation room and her conversations with Dr. Freud, also exploring her psyche and relating it to ancient mythology, dwelling on Freud's collection of ancient statues. The book also contains her correspondence with Freud (nine letters are included in an appendix), whom she refers to in her correspondence with Bryher as "Papa".



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1956 related >> was/were written by >> written by Doolittle, Hilda


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