places New York, NY

General Info | TEI

Titel New York, NY
  • alternative name: New York City
  • alternative name: Big Apple
  • alternative name: New York City
  • ID 701
    Lat/Lng 40,71427 / -74,00597
  • Default import collection
  • manually created entity
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    related >> location >> location of New School for Social Research
    related >> location >> location of Columbia University
    related >> location >> location of Cooper Union Art School (New York, NY)
    related >> location >> location of The Juilliard School of Music
    related >> location >> location of State University of New York at Stony Brook
    related >> location >> location of The Museum of Modern Art (New York, NY)
    related >> location >> location of Art of This Century
    related >> location >> location of Whitney Museum of American Art
    related >> location >> location of Mannes College of Music (New York, NY)
    related >> location >> location of Brooklyn College


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1942 related >> place of return Lothar, Ernst
    1933 related >> moved to [REVERSE] Foley, Martha
    1935-11-12 related >> was visited by Mahler-Werfel, Alma Maria
    1935-11-12 related >> was visited by Werfel, Franz
    related >> residence for >> place of study of Williams, William Carlos
    (Place of Birth) Sontag, Susan
    1907 1911 related >> residence for >> was workplace for Mahler, Gustav
    1949 related >> moved to [REVERSE] Lerner, Gerda
    1832 related >> place of emigration Blackwell, Elizabeth
    1851 related >> place of return Blackwell, Elizabeth


    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1926 related >> was location for International Theatre Exposition
    related >> was location for Visionary Architecture


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> located in United States of America
    related >> has parts Greenwich Village, New York


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1927 place of publication The Bridge of San Louis Rey
    setting transferred to The Merchant of Yonkers
    place of (theatre) production of The Matchmaker
    setting transferred to Our Town
    1948 place of publication The Ides of March
    1928 place of publication The Angel that Troubled the Waters and Other Plays
    1931 place of publication The Long Christmas Dinner and Other Plays
    provided the setting of Never Call Retreat
    1932 place of publication Five Graphic Analyses
    place of publication Men of Good Hope: A Story of American Progressives


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    New York City alternative name deu
    Big Apple alternative name deu
    New York City alternative name deu
    New York_ Legacy name (merge) deu
    New_York Legacy name (merge) deu


    No text provided for this