persons Ryan, John Augustine

General Info | TEI

Name Ryan, John Augustine
Alternative Names
ID 9901
Gender male
Lifespan 1869 - 1945
Professions Katholischer Theologe
  • Religion in the Secular Age
  • Uri(s)
    Notes Ryan was inspired by Pesch in many areas, proposing an "industrial dempcracy", an idea that was later central to Keynesianism and Roosevelt's New Deal. Liberal and Catholic reformers closely cooperated within the moderated free-market system in support of a distributive, economic justice system.
    References Hochgeschwender, Michael. "Catholicism in Defense? Roman Catholic Answers to the Quest for Modernity." in: Religion in the Secular Age, Vienna: Verlag der ÖAW.



    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> was influenced by Pesch, Heinrich
    related >> was influenced by George, Henry
    related >> advisor of Roosevelt, Franklin D.


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