persons Bernays, Edward Louis

General Info | TEI

Name Bernays, Edward Louis
Alternative Names
ID 6427
Gender male
Lifespan 1891 - 1995
Professions journalist (Q1930187), publicist (Q4178004)
  • Cultural Politics, Transfer & Propaganda
  • Uri(s)
    Notes The nephew of Sigmund Freud whose family had emigrated to the US when he was still a baby, is known as a pioneer in the field of "public relations" and propaganda. When joining George Creel's "Committee on Public Information" he contributed to the propaganda against the "Huns", causing serious consequences for many German Americans. His key publications are Propaganda (1928) and Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923).
    References see Zacharasiewicz & Beer: Introduction to Cultural Politics, Transfer and Propaganda.; see also Wüstenbecker: Deutsch-Amerikaner im Ersten Weltkrieg. (2007); see also: Mock & Larson: Words that Won the War: The Story of the Committee of Public Information. (1939)





    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> born in Vienna


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