persons Beer-Hofmann, Richard

General Info | TEI

Name Beer-Hofmann, Richard
Alternative Names
ID 622
Gender male
Lifespan 1866-07-11 - 1945-09-26
Professions writer, dramatist
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    Notes On the biography, ideas and literary work of Beer-Hofmann, see Hillary Hope Herzog, “Vienna Is Different”: Jewish Writers in Austria from the Fin de Siècle to the Present, New York: Berghahn Books, 2011, 77-82.
    References Gaugusch, Georg. Wer einmal war. Das jüdische Großbürgertum Wiens 1800 – 1938. Band 1 A-K. Wien: Amalthea Signum Verlag, 2011, p.140-41.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1898-05-14 related >> participated in Wedding of Richard Beer-Hofmann and Paula Lissy
    1900-08 related >> participated in Journey through the Alps


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1890 related >> studied at University of Vienna
    1945 related American citizenship
    related >> visited Junge Wien
    related Jewish
    1932 related >> worked for/at >> was stage director at Theater in der Josefstadt
    1932 related >> worked for/at >> was stage director at Burgtheater Wien
    1895-09 related >> visited >> stayed at Pension "Jägerhof"


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> friendship with Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
    related >> friendship with Bahr, Hermann
    related >> friendship with Schnitzler, Arthur
    1898-05-14 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Beer-Hofmann, Paula
    related >> friendship with Untermeyer, Jean Starr
    related >> acquainted with Huebsch, Benjamin W.
    related >> friendship with Lewisohn, Ludwig
    related >> friendship with Wilder, Thornton
    related >> acquainted with Reinhardt, Max
    related >> collaborated with Reinhardt, Max


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1900-08 related >> visited Switzerland
    1903 related >> visited Bozen
    1905 related >> visited >> went on a family trip to Fulpmes
    1906 1938 related >> lived at Hasenauerstraße 59, 1180 Vienna
    1909 related >> visited Bozen
    1922 related >> visited Mayrhofen
    1922 related >> visited Mayrhofen
    1923 related >> visited Seefeld
    1938-08 related >> fled to >> fled via Italy
    1941 related >> lived in 412 Cathedral Parkway, New York, NY, 10021


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1918 author of Jaákobs Traum
    as fictionalized character Jutta: Ein Pfingsttagebuch
    appears/appeared in Menschenkinder
    1894 author of Italienische Reiseaufzeichnungen aus dem Jahre 1894
    author of Der Graf von Charolais
    author of Der Tod Georgs


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Beer-Hofmann, Richard Legacy name (merge) deu


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