persons Gunther, John

General Info | TEI

Name Gunther, John
Alternative Names
  • fictional character: Mason Jarrett
  • ID 520
    Gender male
    Lifespan 1901-08-30 - 1970-05-29
    Professions writer (Q36180), journalist (Q1930187), novelist (Q6625963), foreign correspondent (Q18190897), popular historian (Q51531016), foreign correspondent, American
  • manually created entity
  • webclient
  • Uri(s) http://
    Notes During his time as a foreign correspondent in Vienna, Gunther frequently met with other journalists at Café Louvre. He also convened regular luncheons for selected guests at Rathauskeller, among them Vice-Chancellor Dr. Schober ((Zacharasiewicz, Transatlantic Networks, 120). "That he cultivated personal ties, establishing a remarkable network, is apparent in his correspondence: Margot Asquith, Lady Oxford, and H. G. Wells with his mistress Baroness Moura Budberg, were among Gunther’s visitors and guests in Vienna, and so was the prominent American journalist Frederick Kuh" (Zacharasiewicz, Transatlantic Networks, p.124)
    References cf. Zacharasiewicz, Transatlantic Networks, Ch. 6: "Networks of Anglophone Foreign Correspondents in Vienna and in Central Europe in the Early 1930s" Cuthbertson, Ken . Inside: The Biography of John Gunther. Chicago: Bonus Books, 1992. John Gunther’s voluminous estate is archived at the Special Collections of the Regenstein Library of the University of Chicago.



    Start End Other relation type Related Event
    1932-12 1933-01 related >> participated in >> was guest at Thompson's and Lewis's Christmas Party
    1930 1935 related >> participated in >> had regular encounters with politicians and cultural pundits in Vienna
    related >> participated in >> hosted John Gunther's regular luncheons at Rathauskeller for selected guests
    1934 related >> witnessed >> reported on Austrian Civil War


    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1935 was head of Chicago Daily News, London office
    related Radio Austria AG
    wrote articles for The Atlantic
    regularly visited Café Imperial
    1930 1935 regularly visited Rathauskeller Vienna
    1930 1935 regularly visited Central Telegraph Office Vienna
    was president of Anglo-American Press Association
    visited the Stammtisch of foreign correspondents at the Café Louvre
    wrote for Arbeiterzeitung (Wien)
    wrote articles for The New Republic


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> friendship with Sheean, James Vincent
    related >> friendship with >> close friendship with Shirer, William Lawrence
    1927 1944 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Gunther, Frances
    1948 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Vandercook, Jane Perry
    related >> friendship with Thompson, Dorothy
    1930 1970 related >> friendship with Fodor, Marcel
    related >> acquainted with Gedye, George Eric Rowe
    related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with >> mentee of Fodor, Marcel
    related >> friendship with >> close friendship with Burnett, Whit
    related >> acquainted with Pollak, Oscar


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1901-08-30 related >> born in Chicago, IL
    1970-05-29 related >> died in New York, NY
    1930-06 1935 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Vienna
    1935 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work London
    1931 1933 related >> lived at Dollinergasse 5, 1190 Vienna
    1933-10 1935 related >> lived at Neulinggasse 38, 1030 Vienna
    1936-09 1936-09 related >> visited Vienna
    1930-06 1930 related >> lived at Hotel de France
    1933 1933 related >> stayed in Trattnerhof 2, 1010 Vienna
    1922 1930 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work >> worked as journalist in Paris


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1964 related >> wrote >> author of The Lost City
    1936 related >> wrote >> author of Inside Europe
    1927 related >> wrote >> author of Red Pavilion
    related >> wrote >> author of Eden for One
    related >> wrote >> author of The Golden Fleece
    related >> wrote >> author of Report on the Austrian Civil War 1934
    related >> appears/appeared in >> as fictionalized character The Lost City


    Label Start End Label type ISO Code
    Mason Jarrett fictional character deu


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