persons Zweig, Stefan

General Info | TEI

Name Zweig, Stefan
Alternative Names
ID 509
Gender male
Lifespan 1881-11-28 - 1942-02-23
Professions writer (Q36180)
  • Default import collection
  • Transatlantic Networks
  • webclient
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1938 related >> held British citizenship
    1934 1939 related >> visited >> stayed at Hotel Regina
    1935 related >> visited >> stayed at Hotel Bellevue, Vienna
    1926 1938 related >> attended Henndorfer Kreis (Henndorf Circle)


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    1926 correspondence with Huebsch, Benjamin W.
    1940 was/were helped to emigrate by Huebsch, Benjamin W.
    close friendship with Huebsch, Benjamin W.
    close friendship with Rolland, Romain
    correspondence with Rolland, Romain
    friendship with Wells, Herbert George
    friendship with Hofmannsthal, Hugo von
    friendship with Wassermann, Jakob
    friendship with Loon, Hendrik Willem van
    friendship with Ludwig, Emil



    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    related >> wrote >> author of The World of Yesterday: An Autobiography
    related >> wrote >> author of Brief einer Unbekannten


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