persons Zweig, Stefan

General Info | TEI

Name Zweig, Stefan
Alternative Names
ID 509
Gender male
Lifespan 1881-11-28 - 1942-02-23
Professions writer (Q36180)
  • Default import collection
  • Transatlantic Networks
  • webclient
  • Uri(s)



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1938 related >> held British citizenship
    1934 1939 related >> visited >> stayed at Hotel Regina
    1935 related >> visited >> stayed at Hotel Bellevue, Vienna
    1926 1938 related >> attended Henndorfer Kreis (Henndorf Circle)


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> friendship with Schnitzler, Arthur
    related >> acquainted with Ravel, Maurice
    related >> acquainted with Strauss, Richard
    related >> acquainted with Walter, Bruno
    related >> acquainted with Bartók, Belá
    related >> friendship with Toscanini, Arturo
    1940 related >> was/were helped to emigrate by Huebsch, Benjamin W.
    related >> acquainted with >> correspondence with Freud, Sigmund
    related >> friendship with von Kralik, Heinrich


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1881-11-28 related >> born in Vienna
    1917-10-27 1937 related >> owner of Paschinger Schlössl
    1919 1934 related >> lived at Paschinger Schlössl
    02-1934 related >> emigrated to London
    1939 1940 related >> lived in Bath
    02-1934 1939 related >> lived in London
    1940 related >> emigrated to Brazil
    1934 1939 related >> visited >> regularly visited Vienna
    1934 1939 related >> visited Hotel Bellevue
    1940 related >> fled to >> fled via New York, NY


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