persons Sheean, James Vincent

General Info | TEI

Name Sheean, James Vincent
Alternative Names
ID 477
Gender male
Lifespan 1899-12-05 - 1975-03-16
Professions historian (Q201788), journalist (Q1930187), novelist (Q6625963), foreign correspondent (Q18190897), foreign correspondent, American, autobiographer
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    References Sheean's papers are archived at the Special Collections Research Center at Syracuse University.



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1916 1919 studied at University of Chicago
    1923 worked for/at Chicago Tribune
    1935 1937 attended Salzburg Festival
    1935 1937 visited Schloss Leopoldskron
    worked for/at New York Herald Tribune


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    related >> friendship with Gunther, John
    related >> friendship with Thompson, Dorothy
    related >> friendship with Lewis, Sinclair
    1935 1975 related >> in a relationship with >> married to Sheean, Diana
    related >> friendship with Thompson, Dorothy
    related >> friendship with Millay, Edna St Vincent
    1923 related >> friendship with Hemingway, Ernest
    1935 related >> acquainted with Šaljapin, Fëdor I.
    1935 1938 related >> acquainted with >> had contacts with Lehmann, Lotte
    related >> acquainted with Mendelssohn, Eleonora


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    1927 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work >> worked as journalist in China
    1922-10 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Rome
    1975-03-16 related >> died in Arolo, Italy
    1929 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work >> worked as journalist in Palestine
    1935 1937 related >> stayed in Salzburg
    1935 related >> stayed in Vienna
    1923 related >> stayed in Paris
    1936 related >> visited >> was invited at Schloss Kammer
    1925-01 related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work Morocco
    related >> stayed in >> stayed in for work >> worked as journalist in Spain


    Start End Other relation type Related Work
    1935 related >> wrote >> author of Personal History: Youth and Revolution
    1943 related >> wrote >> author of Between the Thunder and the Sun
    1939 related >> wrote >> author of Not Peace But a Sword


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