persons Richter, Helene

General Info | TEI

Name Richter, Helene
Alternative Names
ID 463
Gender female
Lifespan 1861-08-04 - 1942-11-08
Professions anglicist (Q16308156), theater critic (Q17337766)
  • Default import collection
  • Transatlantic Networks
  • webclient
  • Uri(s)
    References Stanzel, Franz. "Erinnerungen an die Anglistin Helene Richter anlässlich der Wiederkehr ihres 150. Geburtstages 2011." Anglia - Zeitschrift für englische Philologie 129 (2011), 321-332.



    Start End Other relation type Related Institution
    1918 related >> visited >> regularly visited Burgtheater Wien
    1942-10 1942-11-08 related >> was held in Konzentrationslager Theresienstadt


    Start End Other relation type Related Person
    friendship with Kellner, Leon
    friendship with Kellner, Anna
    sibling of Richter, Elise
    friendship with Hainisch, Marianne
    friendship with Mayreder, Rosa
    had regular contacts with Kralik von Meyrswalden, Richard
    had regular contacts with Mussafia, Adolfo
    had regular contacts with Meyer-Lübke, Wilhelm
    friendship with Goldmann, Salka


    Start End Other relation type Related Place
    related >> lived in 19th district, Vienna
    1939 related >> lived at Weimarer Straße 83, 1190 Vienna


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