persons a network of friends and aquaintances in Vienna, (Ludwig Lewisohn)

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Name a network of friends and aquaintances in Vienna, (Ludwig Lewisohn)
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ID 4343
Gender None
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    Notes In his autobiography "Mid Channel" (1929), Lewisohn lists the hospitality enjoyed in the homes of "the Beer-Hofmanns or the Leon Kellners and at the house of Dr. Gabriele Liebel". He elaborates on the list of his friends and acquaintances, which, in addition to writers such as Franz Werfel, Jacob Wassermann, Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Karl Kraus, also include Joseph Bard, Dorothy Thompson’s first husband, composers such as Egon Wellesz, and psychoanalysts, among whom he seems to have consulted Alfred Adler and Siegfried Bernfeld. He mentions Max Reinhardt, the journalists and newspaper editors Dr. Ernst Benedikt, Dr. Auernheimer and Dr. Wertheimer, the director of the Universal Edition Emil Hertzka, but also political thinkers such as Karl Kautsky. There are two notable omissions in Lewisohn’s list: First, there is no reference to Elise and Helene Richter, two sisters who had close links with the Kellners and lived near them in the so-called "cottage district", Weimarer Straße 83. The second notable omission is Eugenia Schwarzwald, a lacuna that may puzzle the researcher and lead to speculations about different spheres in which these individuals moved. Still, there is good reason to assume that Lewisohn would have at least met the Richter sisters when he stayed in Vienna and visited the Kellners in their vicinity.



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